Friday, January 4, 2008

My Big Boy Bed by Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Maggie Smith

Although we moved Ricky into a big boy bed (took one side off his crib) a year ago, I still find this book helpful to remind him that he does have his own big boy bed. Every so often, he goes a few days where he hates his bed and only wants to sleep in mommy and daddy's bed. I found this book at the library just to remind him of all the perks of having your own bed.

The book also mentions how the boy in the story had to give up his crib to his new sibling - so this book may be useful for parents who are also introducing a new family member to the family - and the changes that take place. Easy to read - perfect for a 1 year old but almost too easy for my almost 3 year old. Still, the discussion of the advantages of having your own big boy bed is a concept that he will not out-grow for a long time!

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