Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Adventure of Taking Kids to the Zoo: Class Two at the Zoo by Julia Jarman, Illustrated by Lynne Chapman

This book tells the story of what happens when Class Two visits the zoo. From the illustration, one might say that the anaconda eats a few children. That assumption would be correct.

I enjoyed the writing style of this book, thought it was funny and would recommend it. However, I made the mistake of not reading this book myself before reading it to Ricky. The concept of going to the zoo and having a giant snake eat a few children might be scary to some toddlers. I was unable to stop reading and had to finish the book with him and he seemed fine. He thought it was funny - lucky me. I'm glad that he didn't express fear at visiting the zoo or anything like that.

I think I will be checking this book out of the library again - but maybe later on - when he is 4 or 5. We haven't talked about animals really hurting people (as in the Crocodile Hunter's fate) or death yet and we would like to keep him innocent as long as we possibly can. It is every parent's choice when to introduce such concepts and we have chosen to wait.

Aha - the book states Ages 5-8 for a reason!!! My mistake for not looking and reading to my almost-three-year-old. Oh well.

Published in 2007 by CarolRhoda Books.
Many thanks to the book's illustrator, Lynne Chapman for providing the jacket photo

1 comment:

Giddy Goat said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed Class Two at the Zoo and it wasn't too scary for your little boy. I am the illustrator and I had great fun doing the book. I don't know why you had trouble getting a decent jacket image, but there is a better one, as well as lots of other illustrations from the story, on my website at www.lynnechapman.co.uk

You might be interested to know that the sequel, Class Three all at Sea, is out later this year. This time the children have to fight off pirates, with the help of some friendly octopuses!