Thursday, February 28, 2008

Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter Yarrow and Lenny Lipton, With Paintings by Eric Puybaret

I bought this book for Ricky's birthday. I remembered it as a child and it comes with a CD of the song. The story itself is sad - it tells of a dragon named Puff who befriends Little Jack Paper and they have lots of adventures together. But "a dragon lives forever, but not so little girls and boys....One gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more.." so of course Puff mourns the loss of his friend. It is a sad story but you can't help liking it.

The CD has 4 songs on it and you can listen to the CD while you flip the pages for your child. The songs are written by Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary and they flow nicely for a child. I was a tot in the 1970s so maybe that's why I kind of like the CD, I don't know. Shhh!
Little Ricky liked it and didn't ask why Jackie Paper stopped visiting Puff. But at three years old, I wasn't in a rush to point out the whole death thing quite yet. I would suggest this book as a good gift for a child.

Published 2007 by Sterling

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